1. Log in to your customer portal at https://ventiexchange.chargebeeportal.com/portal/login
2. Once there, you will see the following page with your account and billing information:
3. Under the Payment Method Information section, you will see the following:
a) If you want to add a new card:
- Click on the “Add” at the top right corner of the Payment Method Information section:
- You will be directed to the following page; add a new credit card here:
- Once completed, click “Update” at the lower left corner of the screen. Your data will have saved.
b) If you want to update your existing card:
- Click on the “Edit” under the expiry date of your card at the bottom of the Payment Method Information section:
- You will be redirected to the following page, update your credit card information here:
- Once completed, click “Update” at the lower left corner of the screen. Your data will have saved.